Author Topic: My Proposed Solution  (Read 1258 times)

Offline gjgoodale

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My Proposed Solution
« on: 07/ 4/12 - 01:31PM »
Here is what I propose we do to get this country back in line:

1) Implement the fair tax --- no IRS, less accountants, tax breaks no longer buy votes
2) Eliminate all subsides and grants --- if no one wants your crap or your research, tough --- go get a loan or investors like the rest of the country
3) Implement term limits to not allow ANY political position to be held for longer than 8 years --- a "career politician" screws everything up
4) Pull out of every country where we have troops and make the following statement "We are wiping the slate clean.  We leave you alone, you leave us alone.  From this point forward, if you screw with our country, we won't send troops, we'll just drop bombs.  Consider yourselves warned."
5) Implement tort (spell check) reform --- you sue someone and loose, then you now owe them all their lawyer and court fees and any other costs of dealing with your crap lawsuit --- and your lawyer who helped bring suit owes too
6) Any criminal imprisoned for longer than 2 years more than 3 times is killed.  I'm tired of paying for criminals.  And it's instant death sentance with a 9MM to the head.  Low cost and immediate punishment.  Anyone on "death row" would immediately be cleaned out as well.

Enough ranting...back to the 4th of July celebrating what our country used to be!
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