Ozarks Jeep Thing Club

Off Topic => Site Suggestions & Updates => Topic started by: Fierogld on 06/20/06 - 09:54PM

Title: a couple thoughts/Ideas
Post by: Fierogld on 06/20/06 - 09:54PM
hey i was browsing another  forum today and was scrolling my mouse accross the subject heading and a quick screen (you know the like thing that pops up the date when you park the mouse arrow over the time) came up giving a breif overview of the subject matter, or the first paragraph of the subject.  i thought it was really cool cause i have dial up and hate when i click on a subject and it has nothing to do with what i am wanting to read- this would be a real time saver.

next idea is to delete the items in the for sale or WTB lists that have been sold or bought to prevent confusion and have less clutter.

Just some thoughts
Title: Re: a couple thoughts/Ideas
Post by: LoneWolf on 10/ 9/07 - 01:59AM
This has been applied. Thanks for the suggestion.
Title: Re: a couple thoughts/Ideas
Post by: YJ_Aaron on 10/ 9/07 - 02:46AM
We've been deleting all the stuff when people go and alter the title to sold.  When everyone adopts this it will be even better.