Ozarks Jeep Thing Club

Off Topic => Site Suggestions & Updates => Topic started by: LoneWolf on 04/ 1/08 - 11:48PM

Title: site changes
Post by: LoneWolf on 04/ 1/08 - 11:48PM
I have made some changes to the backend of the website trying to make it a bit faster for dialuppers. One of the changes you can see is the new menu up top, it's not as snazzy as the one that was there but is about 80k smaller. If anyone has problems with it; please PM me with the following info:

1. A description of the problem
2. Screen (shot if you know how)
3. The browser you are using and version (it's under the help menu of your browser.. look for About Firefox, or About Internet Explorer.. etc)

4. The kind of computer you are using. (PC or MAC)

I noticed that uploaded avatars where not getting properly formatted and causing what should be a 3k avatar to be 15-20k. So I know you all will hate me but I am wiping all uploaded avatars so you will need to re-upload them.

All in all I have shaved about 90k off the web pages and with the avatars fix it should help to make the dialuppers day a little better. Should notice about a 25-30% increase in performance. If I can find something else to shave off I will. That's all for now.. .and remember to redo your avatars.

Title: Re: site changes
Post by: LoneWolf on 04/ 3/08 - 05:27PM