Author Topic: Rant:  (Read 2454 times)

Offline Bradman

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« on: 10/26/05 - 11:25AM »
Ok, here's the deal:
You live in a costal reagion.  For at least a week, the news is almost nothing but weather reporting on another (there have been SEVERAL in the last few years)huricain.  You are told to go to a safe place somewhere north of the storm, or at the least, have suplies to make it through the storm and for some time after.

The storm hits, and wipes out all electric and other services.  (what a suprise!)
How stupid do you have to be to still be in this position??

Did you not see any news report fo the last 2 years?????

I really like it when this happens and they blame Bush for it...........

When will We learn this country was built on good sence, and hard work, not by folks waiting for the government to come and help them!?!?!?!
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Offline LibertyPatriot

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Re: Rant:
« Reply #1 on: 10/26/05 - 12:43PM »
And yet most comedians poke fun of dimwitted rednecks taking home videos of tornados that pop up within minutes and sometimes you can't get out of the path of.  You take the chance of it hitting one house and not the next, but a hurricane wipes out everything for miles in most instances.

I can sort of understand why so many in New Orleans couldn't get out, most of the poor don't have cars and use mass transit.  Where would they go, who would they stay with.  I'm not saying the Fed gov should step in, but at the least the local or state gov should have had a plan (they did) and use it (they didn't) to evacuate the inner city residents.

I for one would have been far away within days of when the first winds started blowing... but then again, I wouldn't be living there anyway.

I like the Midwest best.

Rivers, lakes and streams around is enough water for me
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The stars above and the firm earth below, this is where I was meant to be

 :usflag: God bless the no coasters!
I'd put something funny here, but you probably wouldn't get it anyway...

Offline freds_94

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Re: Rant:
« Reply #2 on: 10/26/05 - 04:06PM »
my cousin owns a bar i New Orleans (or did), he had since enough to leave, but failed to take much with him, so its not only colored folks that lost everything, insurance wants them to pay up front for repairs (in the $10,000 range) and then they will reimburse him the amount. kinda sucks when you loose everything and then the insurance wont help out.
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Offline TJ-2thousand

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Re: Rant:
« Reply #3 on: 10/26/05 - 08:21PM »
what makes me mad is that the ones that do stick around, and dont have any food or water, then when the gov. comes and saves their ass, they bitch about how long they had to wait in line for water.

if i lived in a place were Bush was causing so many hurricanes :bsflag:  i would be damn sure that i had all the supplies that i needed to survive for atleast 2 weeks, and not depend on sombody else to give me food and water.

man this has been eating at me all week. i need to stop listening to neal bortz in the morning.

Offline Bradman

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Re: Rant:
« Reply #4 on: 10/26/05 - 09:05PM »
you nailed it!  If your gonna be STUPID enough to stick around, BE PREPARED to help yourself!  

If something happened today, I could easily suport myself and family for two weeks.
1999 TJ  2.5 inch Rancho Rockrawler lift  33inch BFG's  Loc-Rites front and rear!<br /><br />Ranch Rocker!<br />

Offline iJeep

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Re: Rant:
« Reply #5 on: 10/28/05 - 03:07PM »
I agree for the most part.  Another reason people stay is because they have lived there all their lives and never had a problem with hurricanes being this bad, so they think they will be OK with this one.  Then the elderly's family members don't want to leave their parents/grandparents behind so they stay.

Would you stay where a hurricane was headed if your parents/grandparents refused to leave?

We met a couple from Lake Charles, LA and that is what happened with them.

Offline Bradman

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Re: Rant:
« Reply #6 on: 10/28/05 - 03:16PM »
Yes I would still leave, after arguing My point, if they wanted to stay, I could not make them leave with me, but I would still go to safety.
1999 TJ  2.5 inch Rancho Rockrawler lift  33inch BFG's  Loc-Rites front and rear!<br /><br />Ranch Rocker!<br />

Offline shamoo

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Re: Rant:
« Reply #7 on: 10/28/05 - 03:27PM »
When I was in The US Coast Guard stationed in Grand Isle LA We had a major Hurricane hit the Island. We were in charge of evacuation AND YOU COULDNT GET ANY ONE TO LEAVE SO WE ADVISED THEM OF THE CONSEQUENCES  (sorry finger slipped) of staying and they said this was their place and they were going to"ride the storm out."  One group of people actually had a Hurricane party food beer etc. After it was over everyone was very lucky just minor structural damage and minor flooding. This Time.
 This was the storm that hit Brownsville Tx back in the early 80s


Offline Bradman

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Re: Rant:
« Reply #8 on: 10/28/05 - 04:38PM »
That is one of the MAJOR problems with the gulf coast reagon.  MOST of the storms have not been too terobly distructive over the last several years (Ithink 66,or68 was the last big one)  most folks think they can just ride it out, and it will be ok.

But, as the weather people have been saying for the last few years, hurricains are entering an active period, and We should expect them to get even worse.
1999 TJ  2.5 inch Rancho Rockrawler lift  33inch BFG's  Loc-Rites front and rear!<br /><br />Ranch Rocker!<br />

Offline JEEP Lovin Cowgirl

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Re: Rant:
« Reply #9 on: 11/18/05 - 03:03PM »
What these coastal living people are not understanding it is going to be hit time and time again (more so than normal) and it's going to be hitting them harder and harder....come on hard is it to see how the weather is changing????  We don't get the weather here like we used to but it's starting to sort of be that way again...I remember when we used to get tons of snow...then it moved to a lot of ice storms (remember the one in 87?? oh lord, I dont want to that was pure hell) and now we're moving back to having snow again.  If I lived there and I was stubborn enough to stay (which I would not ... I'd be runnin like a mad woman to the hills)  I'd damn sure have made sure I had enough water and supplies to last more than 2 weeks because you never know how bad the wrath of these storms now days are going to pack.
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Offline 95_XJ

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Re: Rant:
« Reply #10 on: 11/18/05 - 06:14PM »
Quote from: "iJeep"
We met a couple from Lake Charles, LA and that is what happened with them.

I was just down there working with Convoy Of Hope. So I might have met them. We loaded 1350 cars on avg. every day we were there. Lake Charles wasn't that bad but Cameron which is about an hour and a half away from there was gone. They had Saturday and Sunday to collect what was left of their belongings and on Monday they bulldozed the entire town. We drove through Cameron on Saturday and it was really sad to watch them going through they're stuff.